Our Corporate & Institutional Services


1.Corporate Training / ILP Programmes

We conduct initial learning programs for fresher’s recruited by leading IT companies.

We work with our client companies to design the training based on the competency mapping for the concerned job function. The syllabi for the training programs are customized according to specific requirements from variety of topics such as C, Python, Data Structures, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, Java, J2EE, Spring, C#, ASP.Net Core, XML, Web Services, Software Testing, UML, Software Engineering, Soft Skills, Project Management, Leadership etc.

The candidates attending these programs are either recruited directly by the companies or through our value-added campus recruitment service. The training costs are borne by the candidates or by the company employing them.

We also design and deliver customized up-skilling programs mapped to the project requirement for your current workforce make them future ready

2.Resourcing Services

We provide recruitment and placement services to IT and ITES companies. Over100 companies have directly availed our services and vouch for the quality, speed and cost effectiveness of the services. Recruitment services are typically free of cost on recruiting our trained candidates, and carry a nominal cost for recruitment assistance from outside institutions and colleges.

Our pre-qualified pool of candidates are already trained and equipped with the latest IT Skills. The candidates are admitted into the training programs based on their academic records and performance in aptitude tests. Intensive hands-on training in areas like Oracle/ Java/. Net/ Node/ Python Angular, React, Software Engineering, Data Science etc., during the four months training program ensures that the candidates are equipped for project onboarding.

Services for Colleges

We work with academic institutions, especially engineering colleges, to raise their performance and stature, and the competencies of their students to the level demanded by prospective employers. Our continuous interactions with the leading employers in the IT sector give us insights into the emerging trends, the real opportunities and threats, and the requirements for placement.


We fine-tune curriculum, methodologies and processes to meet the field-level requirements. Over the years we have enhanced our training competencies and our repertoire of instructional material, exercises and assessment tools to meet the industry requirements. We share these with participating colleges in our 'Industry Program (IPP)


4000+ Alumni in 100+ Global IT Companies
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  • Our Prestegious Clients
  • Our Prestegious Clients
  • Our Prestegious Clients
  • Our Prestegious Clients
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  • Our Prestegious Clients
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  • Our Prestegious Clients
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  • Our Prestegious Clients
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  • Our Prestegious Clients